Why people read my topics?

I love spicy food and your writing, yes!
Now I thank you.

Hi Kyaw.Your writings are not too cheeky ,you’re a cool man with higher IQ. Greetings.

Dear Alicja,

Hmm, Yes, too hot in Burma now. As for you a Polish girl. Hmm… visiting Burma is something like paying for the Sauna. You got it?

As for the watch, don’t worry, I have many Rolex es.

Kind regards.

Dear Monica and Gregory,

I know you can write too. Thanks again.

Have fun!

Dear Kyaw,

I’m reading some writings of yours and I see … puzzle… or crosswords (a little too crossed, I’d say)
Maybe if I read them again tomorrow …

This was another reason for your “Why…”
And another one: the happy ending of each post: “Have fun!” :slight_smile: It’s exactly what we all need.


Dear Monica,

At the age of 40 I learnt to give.

Oh, sometimes I took too. Human being?

At the age of 54 I learnt to live to the fullest. Most fun as much as possible.

Especially in this unhappy world of these days.

I don’t go for money anymore. I only go for a decent life now.

In Rangoon’s horrible days I try to hunt for things lovely: green trees, flowers, beautiful buildings and of course girls etc. to make every day is my day.

I was 54 last 5 October. I’m a Venus man. A passionate bloke.

Have fun!

P.S - Girls are always more important part of my life. lol.

They make me broke, but I love them. What to do?

To Kyaw

… So you are a Libra! This is why you are so joyful, sociable, friendly, smily and most of all popular among women? It’s because the planet Venus did its job and decided that women are the most important part of your life – I thought it was your fault :slight_smile:

Don’t worry about being broke – this would be the right moment for you to find out who really loves you… although you’d better never know.

When I think that you revealed all these to me only… I’m so grateful, and to show you how much, I’ll tell you that I’m a Taurus. Don’t tell anybody !

I understand that “have fun” is your way of living now and I think it’s a good philosophy.

See you.

“Why (do) people read my topics?”

When I read your question, Kyaw, one thing entered my mind immediately: “Hands that give also receive.”
Besides, in essence they are interesting.


Dear Monica,

I thought it was your fault :slight_smile: <<

Now, you’re telling me. But what can I say.

No wonder you can read me, you’re a Taurus girl ruled by Venus as well.

I wish you’d be my lifelong friend, knowing most Taurus people have many green notes and they are generous. lol.

Have fun!

I’m broke, but I still have many girls on me. Ah ha.

Dear Claudia,

Thank you very much for the beautiful lines.

But I still wonder how my low IQ writings interests the high IQs like you.

Have fun!

OK, Kyaw
We are three now: Venus, you and me, friends for a lifetime.
If only I knew what “green notes” you were talking about…
And you’re broke because you gave away three golden wrist watches, I saw you.
But never mind, “have fun!” you too!

Here’s a hint just for you, Monica: verzişori. :wink:

Dear Cristina,

Thank you very much!
Not hard to guess, but …when you can’t see, you can’t, even if you use magnifiers, right?
Thanks again, you show up exactly when I need you!

Dear Monica,

I’ve got to change my tense 'I’ve been broken. Huh.

I’ve got some more Gold Rolex es, you want one?

Have fun.

Of course, I want one. I’ve allways wanted!
…and see what you do with verb tenses, because you mix them up :slight_smile:



It shouldn’t be too complicated.

I’m broke’ should be OK then.

Have fun!

Here’s the new Rolex for you.

Oh, thank you,
million thanks,
I can’t believe you offered me such a valuable present, and I’m very happy.
My colleagues at work will envy me and I’ll love it!

After so much happiness, I’m worried about one thing: Are you broke again because of me? I wouldn’t want that. But what can I do?

“C’est la vie!”


My Pleasure,

I’m broke, but I’ve still got loads of Rolax es. All sorts of them.

Have fun!

Bis bald!

This the first time read your topic!

Great, have fun!