Why did Baron Hausberg give ten thousand pounds to Hughie?

Hello !
Could you please tell me the following question is right or not?

            '' What did Baron Hausberg give ten thousand pounds to Hughie?''
           I THINK THERE IS MISPRINTING IN THIS QUESTION. If it's not please tell me the meaning of this question.

I would suggest these versions:
Why did Baron Hausberg give ten thousand pounds to Hughie.
What did Baron Hausberg give ten thousand pounds Hughie for?[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, photographs: A picnic[YSaerTTEW443543]

yes, there is a misprint.

It should probably be “Why did Baron H give …?” - i.e. what were the reasons for the gift.
Or “What did Baron H… to Hughie for?” i.e. what was the purpose of the gift.

Gah, Torsten beat me by seconds… :wink: Glad we had the same answers though…

Thanks a lot. my guess was right, there is a misprint .

Hello Charm, in my opinion, the version below could work as well.

What did Baron Hausberg give ten thousand pounds for to Hughie?

That would be okay conversationally, but not in this context.