Why are all the stars round?

Dear Readers,

Last night I was wondering why all the stars or planets in our solar system are round. As you know, none of them are rectangle, triangle, square or diamond shape.

It’s a bit awkward to me seeing all of them round. I’d like some of them square or triangle.

If you don’t know I must wake up Einstein. He might know.

Just IQ40 thought.

kind regards.

Because of gravity. Space is never empty, so particles hover about, collide and connect. Since all matter tends to move to the lowest potential point, a center is formed. Because of the gravitational force, matter will always be attracted to the center. Since matter is attracted from all sides, the new body forms into a sphere.


Oh dear …

Claudia you must be a Einstein remake. Beautiful. Und Wunderwar.

That’s what I love about you. Full of grey matters with impeccable plus poetic. You’re gifted.

kind regards.

But, how about a square planet I love, can you imagine how to create it. Come on’ it’s just a thought.
How to reduce all these frictions and colliding in the universe.

kind regards.

Awww, thank you so much! :slight_smile:

Yep! That’s why our heads are round! :wink:


Just build a superhuge oven and a superhuge square-shaped cookie form, fire up the oven and throw a planet in there. Once the planet has melted, pour the liquid into the cookie form, let it cool down until set, and voila! You’ve got a square planet.



And why all these round ones going only in the round way, why they don’t go in the square way or triangle way. He…

Bee Gees said in one of their songs, because, It rains everyday. Is that true?

kind regards.

Just build a superhuge oven and a superhuge square-shaped cookie form, fire up the oven and throw a planet in there. Once the planet has melted, pour the liquid into the cookie form, let it cool down until set, and voila! You’ve got a square planet.<<

You become more Einstein now.

And it reminds me of my Baking translation. It sounds like Blindbaking. Awesome.

I must write to NASA about your tremendous theory.

kind regards.

Yes, please do! They just keep ignoring me!



I must prepare my draft to them now. These ignorant.

Oh, I skipped there did you ever work for them?

kind regards.

Dear Claudia,

NASA is asking your full name. They are stumped that they’ve never known there’s someone who can create square planets.

Should I submit Claudia Neo Einstein?

kind regards.

Aaah, they’re in denial!

Try Lady Claudia Newton, then.


P.S. Should you decided to indeed create a square planet, please put it in your pocket right after it has set. If you carelessly throw it back in space, it will turn into a sphere again, and the larger it is, the quicker it will revert back. I truly hope you have a superhuge pocket.

Ah, Ja wohl My lady,

As you wish. Oh, how about your salary and compensation? Say… 10 mil per month with 500 mil compensation per project?

For my own square planet I would further discuss with Billl the Gates based on you bri lli ant theory. He…

kind regards.

Anyhow , Gute Nacht ( here 10:17 p.m ).
I have to think more super thinking since I have you 'the genius by my side.

Maybe a showers from the sun in our hot season. Kind of things.