which "they" and "their" refer to?

Hello everyone.

I’d like to ask about using of “they” and “their” in the following two passages:

In the Philippine case, the government acknowledges that the private sector is the engine of growth of the recruitment industry and that it is mainly responsible for promoting Filipino workers over other nationals, opening new markets and placing Filipino workers in more than 200 countries around the world and on thousands of ocean-going vessels. [color=blue]They actually serve as a bridge that narrows the employment gap in both labour sending and receiving countries in their quest to match available skills with overseas demand for migrant workers.

The private sector also serves the important role in selecting only the most qualified and efficient migrant workers for their foreign principals or employers. This behavior is brought about by [color=blue]their desire to establish long term relationships or repeat job orders from their foreign principals. This is actually the best form of protection that a migrant worker can have – that his skills are appropriate for the job required and is fit in every sense.

It’s difficult for me to figure out which word “they” replaces in “They actually serve as a bridge”. Does “they” stand for “Filipino workers”?

And does “their” in “This behavior is brought about by their desire to establish long term relationships” refers to the most qualified and efficient migrant workers? Or does “their” refers to “the private sector”?

They = private sector agencies
their = private sector agencies

Thank you very much, Mister Micawber.