Which source is more dependable for news, TV or newspapers?

Which source is more dependable for news, TV or newspapers?

Newspapers, WHICH HAVE provided - and will continue to provide(,) tremendous news for us, ARE regarded as a dependable news source(,) but in fact, as a relatively advanced technology, TV is more dependable for news, because it is more convenient, more economical, and more eco-friendly.

Watching TV for news is more convenient than reading newspapers. Granted, when we are reading newspapers, we can simply skip some news or advertisements which we are not interestED in or dislike. This may be regarded as a kind of convenience. However, you must remember to buy them every day, and you have to wait for hours until you buy it. In contrast, without waiting or going to newspaper shops, you can turn on your TV and obtain the latest new whenever you want. Therefore, given the time and efforts, TV should be CONSIDERED a more convenient access to news.

Unbelievable/Incredible as it may seem, watching TV is more economical. Even though a piece of newspaper is much cheaper than a TV set, a TV set can serve us for many years while newspapers suddenly become worthless after reading. In practice, to get the latest news, these readers have to buy newspapers time and time again, which induce the cost rise constantly and exceed the cost of a TV finally.

Besides, watching TV for news if more eco-friendly. This can be illustrated readily. Newspapers are made from wood. Enough EVEN THOUGH wood is a renewable resource, it takes years to beCOME mature. In other words, newspapers deplete giant wood resourceS which ARE short currently LOW. Worse yet, exploiting this resource would upset the forest and vegetation, which poses an immense threat on our delicate ecosystem.

In conclusion, I do not deny the advantage of newspapers(,) but in reality, I would agree that TV is more dependable source for news. After all, watching TV is more convenient, more economical, and more eco-friendly, which is indeed AN irreplaceable advantage for gathering news.
Not bad My. There are many words that you should avoid beginning sentences with, BUT is one of the most glaring. Avoid doing so at all costs.

Kitos. 8/10

TOEFL listening discussions: Why are these young men in conversation?

Which source is more dependable for news, TV or newspapers?

Newspapers, WHICH HAVE provided - and will continue to provide(,) tremendous news for us, ARE regarded as a dependable news source(,) but in fact, as a relatively advanced technology, TV is more dependable for news, because it is more convenient, more economical, and more eco-friendly.

Watching TV for news is more convenient than reading newspapers. Granted, when we are reading newspapers, we can simply skip some news or advertisements which we are not interestED in or dislike. This may be regarded as a kind of convenience. However, you must remember to buy them every day, and you have to wait for hours until you buy it. In contrast, without waiting or going to newspaper shops, you can turn on your TV and obtain the latest new whenever you want. Therefore, given the time and efforts, TV should be CONSIDERED a more convenient access to news.

Unbelievable/Incredible as it may seem, watching TV is more economical. Even though a piece of newspaper is much cheaper than a TV set, a TV set can serve us for many years while newspapers suddenly become worthless after reading. In practice, to get the latest news, these readers have to buy newspapers time and time again, which induce the cost rise constantly and exceed the cost of a TV finally.

Besides, watching TV for news if more eco-friendly. This can be illustrated readily. Newspapers are made from wood. Enough EVEN THOUGH wood is a renewable resource, it takes years to beCOME mature. In other words, newspapers deplete giant wood resourceS which ARE short currently LOW. Worse yet, exploiting this resource would upset the forest and vegetation, which poses an immense threat on our delicate ecosystem.

In conclusion, I do not deny the advantage of newspapers(,) but in reality, I would agree that TV is more dependable source for news. After all, watching TV is more convenient, more economical, and more eco-friendly, which is indeed AN irreplaceable advantage for gathering news.
Not bad My. There are many words that you should avoid beginning sentences with, BUT is one of the most glaring. Avoid doing so at all costs.

Kitos. 8/10

thanks, kitos