Where can I use gerund?

Hi all

where can I use gerund ? :roll:

Thanks a lot :smiley:



You can use a gerund in any English-speaking country-- the US, Britain, South Africa, etc.

Just joking, Herakles.

A gerund is an -ing verb form used as a noun, and can be used just about anywhere you use a noun:

Subject: A picnic is fun. Picnicking is fun.
Object: I like Mediterranean cuisine. I like Mediterranean cooking.
Complement: My hobby is philately. My hobby is stamp collecting.

Thanks a lot
:smiley: :smiley:


but what is better to use

" I like Mediterranean cuisine" . or "I like Mediterranean cooking "
or there isn’t any differences … and where i can use it ?


Usually, you can use either; it is a matter of style. If an appropriate noun is available, it is usually more formal / ‘better’ to use it rather than the gerund, which is often quite makeshift. On the other hand, the gerund (since it is verb-based) is often more appropriate when you wish to stress the activity.