When the team won the game, they went to a nice restaurant

____ the team won the game, they went to a nice restaurant and ____ a big party to celebrate. Everyone had a good time that evening.
(A) After; held
(B) Before; hold
(C ) When; held
(D) Because; hold
[Kang Xuan, Taiwan]

The answer to the above question is option A.
Is option C also acceptable to native speakers?


I’m not sure ‘held a party’ will work here because it’s very format and it usually implies ‘organizing a party’. What you want to say is that after the team had won the game they ‘had a party’ and yes, ‘when’ would work too instead of ‘after’.


Though I’m not a native speaker, I would say that choice ‘C’ can also be correct and acceptable if they held the party, perhaps, soon after they won the game.