"When down" vs "went up"

When down
went up

what is the real meaning of the above

It is impossible to judge without any context, Ganesh. Please give us at least the sentences those phrases are in.

You go up this road about 15 meters to reach the hospital.

You go down this way to reach the train station.

‘Down’ and ‘up’ in these sentences have no specific directional meaning; they both mean ‘along’

For me, down and up here are more about the direction of the street where you are going. It’s likely to be originated from terms used in geography, map where you would usually hear people say go down to the South and go up to the North or down to the South and up to the North for short.

Am I right ?

No, sorry, Anna. For native speakers, they have no specific directional meaning. Few city people even notice whether their streets run north, south, east or west-- if they are laid out in those directions at all. The only time that ‘up’ and ‘down’ will be used with care is when the street is on distinct, visible hill.