Can you tell me the difference in meaning betwwen “yet” and “now” in:
a/ Can you tell me yet?
Can you tell me now?
b/ We need’nt do it just yet.
We need’nt do it just now.
Can you tell me the difference in meaning betwwen “yet” and “now” in:
a/ Can you tell me yet?
Can you tell me now?
b/ We need’nt do it just yet.
We need’nt do it just now.
Hi Khahn
These sentences are similar, but using yet indicates that the person has been waiting to be told.
In the second sentence, the use of the word now means the person wants to know whether he can be told immediately. It’s quite possible that he hasn’t been waiting at all.
The word yet is typically used in negative sentences and questions and refers to a whole period of time up until now.
The word now refers only to the current time.
In my opinion the word just simply stresses yet and now in your sentences.
Note: The words “just now” also have the meaning of “a moment ago”:
“Who were you talking to just now?”
Please read:
The word yet is typically used in negative sentences and questions and refers to a whole period of time up until now.
What is the difference btw up to now and up until now? Are they the same meaning in this case?
Can the word yet be used in the affirmative sentence? (With the mentioned meaning).
You asked:
There is only a slight difference between up to now and up until now. Up until now adds emphasis with the idea of up to this very moment
The use of yet to convey the same meaning would be in a special case. Imagine that there are only 3 paintings in the world by a particular artist. You could say: We have only found two paintings by the artist up until now/up to now. We have yet (up until now) to find the third painting.