When an assignment is made of a trader's ....., the apprentice may form part of the assignment and he is bound to serve him to whom he is transferred in all respects the same as his original master

When an assignment is made of a trader's ....., the apprentice may form part of the assignment and he is bound to serve him to whom he is transferred in all respects the same as his original master. (*) effects (*) inheritance (*) remains (*) wherewithal

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://english.best/questions/7668,when-an-assignment-is-made-of-a-traders-___-the-apprentice-may-form-part-of-the-assignment-and-he-is-bound-to-serve-him-to-whom-he-is-transferred-in-all-respects-the-same-as-his-original-master/
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