What's your favourite text font?


Do you have a text font and size that you like most? I mean when you read a book or any other text, which font do you find most pleasant? A couple of years ago Times New Roman seemed to be pretty much standard – especially on web pages. Then Arial became more popular and now it seems Verdana tops the list. Personally, I prefer Verdana over Times New Roman as I find that font more pleasant to the eye and easier to read.

What about you?

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I like Ming-Cho that is paired with Century (for alphabets), and it doesn’t differ much from Times New Roman.

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It has to be Calibri. I am using it a lot these days.

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I like both Verdana and Arial.

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I suggest that you guys have a look at “Helvetica” and “Georgia”.

Beside “Verdana” and other well-known fonts, they are also good choices. ^ ^

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I prefer Hoeffler Text. It’s one of the fonts where the numbers go above and below the baseline, which I think makes them easier to read. I also love Courier, believe it or not.

The most interesting thing to me, Torsten, is that all of the fonts you mention are ones that come standard on Windows PCs. There are people walking the earth (obviously not you) who think that they’re just stuck with the fonts Microsoft gives you.

Sometimes I have to do layouts with olde tyme German fonts, so I experiment with a lot of black letter typefaces. When you see them individually, you imagine they all look the same. However, when you start trying various ones in a layout, you realize you can’t use just any old one. Some remind me of Nazi propaganda, some remind me of the Munich Olympics, some remind me of the Weimar Republic, and they won’t work when I need something that looks like a Detroit German newspaper page from the 1860s. I usually settle for Fraktur.


Adobe Garamond
It was used in the Harry Potter Books, which I’ve read through about a dozen times since I was a kid.


You probably mean you were used to the Harry Potter books?


Yes, I have. I like Aurora Bold Condensed.

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I mean that this font was used in the book. In general, this font is very similar to this one https://upfonts.com/thinking-of-betty-font/. By the way, I’m currently writing a term paper about my favorite book)) I explain the translation of literary terms from Harry Potter from English to French because the French translation of Harry Potter has a lot of borrowed words from English. I hope that I can get the maximum number of points for my work…

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Now I got it, many thanks for the clarification.