What would you do if you had control over your life?

What would you do if you had complete control over your life? I think this is the most important question you should try to find an answer to and if you like, I will help with it. Simply email me or leave a comment on the forum.

In the meantime let’s analyze the grammar of the question. If you said the question is an example of the conditional II you were right. As you remember, there are three main conditionals in English (conditional I, II and III) and in addition there are the so called ‘mixed conditionals’.

Most conditional sentences consist of two clauses – the ‘if clause’ which describes a condition and the ‘main clause’ which describes a result. In our case ‘what would you do’ is the main clause (the result) and ‘if you had complete control over your life’ is the condition. Since I don’t want to overwhelm you with all these grammar explanations, I suggest you just test your knowledge of the conditions by taking this test.

And course I look forward to hearing from you any time.
Talk to you soon,