What kind of a sponge can be found in the ocean? What does it mean?

English Grammar Tests, Elementary Level

ESL/EFL Test #294 [color=blue]“Real Life: Cleaning Supplies (1)”, question 3

A can be found in the ocean. It soaks up water and is used to clean dishes and surfaces.

(a) shovel
(b) sponge
(c) broom
(d) mop

English Grammar Tests, Elementary Level

ESL/EFL Test #294 [color=blue]“Real Life: Cleaning Supplies (1)”, answer 3

A sponge can be found in the ocean. It soaks up water and is used to clean dishes and surfaces.

Correct answer: (b) sponge

Your answer was: [color=green]correct

What kind of a sponge can be found in the ocean? What does it mean?
Thanks :slight_smile:

A sponge is used to soak up water, clean up spills etc. in households. But, a sponge is also an invertebrate that lives in the ocean.
These animals are harvested from oceans, but there are artificial sponges that are used in homes as well.
Sponge definition: “Any of numerous aquatic, chiefly marine invertebrate animals of the phylum Porifera, characteristically having a porous skeleton composed of fibrous material …”

So that’s why spongebob is all about living in the ocean…