What is Sociological Reality?

Does anyone know the meaning of Sociological Reality ?

Sociology is the study of populations (people) – their migrations, death rates, birth rates, and other statistics of population as a whole (everyone), or a country, or a geographical area, or an age group, or a sex, etc.

“Reality” is often debatable – one person’s interpretation of events as “reality” might not match another person’s interpretation of those events. Whether or not a person tends toward pessimism or optimism will have some bearing on what he or she sees as “reality”.

So combining the two words separately will help us understand, roughly, what “Sociological Reality” might entail:

The interpretation of the events of a group of people.

And anyone who calls himself a “realist” is either arrogant or does not know what the term entails: if someone really were a realist, he would know the true state of things… or the truEST state of things, if that were knowable.

But you and I could look at the same thing and come to different conclusions. Who’s to say which of us is the realist?

See what I mean? So be careful whenever you hear the term “realist” or “realism”, because we’re all slightly shaded toward optimism or pessimism in everything we consider.

I’ll give you an example of what i’m talking about:

A buddy of mine was talking about how a friend of his was going to have a tough time getting out of poverty – I forget the details, but apparently the friend had been fired from his job and is now facing an uphill battle.

“I’m a realist and so is my friend, Tom – he’s going to struggle.”

I felt like telling him that while circumstances might seem tough now, that’s no reason to think they’ll continue to be tough… and that this isn’t really realism at all, but pessimism.