What is a very important skill a person should learn in order to be successful in

What is a very important skill a person should learn in order to be
successful in the world today? Choose one skill and use specific
reasons and examples to support your choice.

It has long been debated what kind of skill one should acquire in order to be successful in any environment. While many different people would list up countless skills, such as computer skills, intelligent and good financial skills, just to list a few, in my view, the single most important skill determining our survivor is adaptation. Our life is a constant learning process, requiring us to constantly adapt to new situations and environments. Therefore the saying of “it is never too late to study” is not a trite.

In my essay, I will underline why adaptation is the most important skill that any entity, no matter it is a human being or an animal, should have.

Firstly, the future of human being is determined by adaptation. How human being could become the top predator? Human beings are not the strongest, not the fastest and not the biggest, but they have the ability to learn and to adapt in a new environment. We, human beings, achieved so much in the history, listing from early developments such as the usage of tools to great inventions such as electricity and automobile, that our lives have been significantly changed in terms of quality.
By learning and improving ourselves, we were able to progress and to survive in the competitive environment where we live.

Secondly, many entities got extinct due to their inability to adapt in a new environment. For example, huge animals, such as dinosaurs could not pass their genes on next generations. The reasons why dinosaurs got extinct are unknown to me, but most probably they were unable to handle the new challenges and in result they got extinct.

Finally, from the beginning of our education we learn to memorize many things and learn several new skills. Also, we study in high schools and universities, where we acquire tremendous amount of information. However, one must recognize that the knowledge of changing and adapting are the most important lessons of our lives. People must adapt in a new work environment, new family situation and new cultures. No matter what kind of skill we have if we are not able to adapt in a new life situation. No adaptation means extinction.

In conclusion, as I have discussed previously, adaptation is the most important skill that one should have. If my parents could not adapt in the changing environment, then I could not write this essay and post it in your forum. Therefore, adaptation determines our future and it is the most important skill that one can have.

TOEFL listening discussions: A conversation between a professor and his assistant

What is a very important skill a person should learn in order to be
successful in the world today? Choose one skill and use specific
reasons and examples to support your choice.

It has long been debated what kind of skill one should acquire in order to be successful in any environment. While many different people would list up countless skills, such as computer skills, intelligent and good financial skills, just to list a few, in my view, the single most important skill determining our survivor is adaptation. Our life is a constant learning process, requiring us to constantly adapt to new situations and environments. Therefore the saying of “it is never too late to study” is not a trite.

In my essay, I will underline why adaptation is the most important skill that any entity, no matter it is a human being or an animal, should have.

Firstly, the future of human beingS is determined by adaptation. How human beingS could become the top predator? Human beings are not the strongest, not the fastest and not the biggest, but they have the ability to learn and to adapt in a new environment. We, human beings, achieved so much in OUR history, listing from early developments such as the usage of tools(,) to great inventions(,) such as electricity and automobileS, that our lives have been significantly changed in terms of quality.
By learning and improving ourselves, we were able to progress and to survive in the competitive environment /where/IN WHICH/ we live.

Secondly, many entities got BECAME extinct due to their inability to adapt in a new environment. For example, huge animals, such as dinosaurs could not pass their genes onTO THE next generations. The reasons why dinosaurs got BECAME extinct are unknown to me, but most probably they were unable to handle the new challenges and AS A result they BECAME extinct.

Finally, from the beginning of our education we learn to memorize many things and learn several new skills. Also, we study in high schools and universities, where we acquire A tremendous amount of information. However, one must recognize that the knowledge of changing and adapting are the most important lessons of our lives. People must adapt in a new work environment, new family situationS and new cultures. No matter what kind of skill we have(,) if we are not able to adapt in a new life situation(,) non adaptation means extinction.

In conclusion, as I have discussed previously, adaptation is the most important skill that one should have. If my parents could not adapt /in/TO/ the changing environment, then I could not write this essay and post it in your forum. Therefore, adaptation determines our future and it is the most important skill that one can have.
A well constructed essay Kaldosi.

Kitos. 9/10

Please rate my essay, it tried to finish as quickly as possible therefore ther can be some spelling as well as gramatical mistakes.

There can be many skills required by different individuals depending upon their professions like sports, technology, sciences in order to be successful in their career.
In my view communication is the most important skill set required to be successful because conveying information is the key part of any profession. I would like support my opinion in following paragraphs.
First of all, human life begins with having born as baby; the day a baby is born it starts crying which is a way of communication. As babies do not know how to talk until they get older to a certain age and learn speaking properly, they convey their needs and emotions either by crying, laughing sometimes by facial expressions. For example, when baby needs something to eat/drink or having some pains it starts crying, so the mother gets to know that the baby needs attention for something. As baby’s life further progress and turns into a child, it starts speaking, and then it becomes easier to convey the requirements or feelings by talking to someone.
Secondly, when the child becomes teenager and then further a youth; during these stages of life communication plays very important role in order to grow as potentially sensible and responsible adult in the society.
Furthermore, when we go to college or university the time comes to decide about our future career goals; in this situation by talking to our mentors and parents and taking their advice we should be able to decide right path for our career. But if we do not convey our thoughts properly then it can cause to decide incorrect choice for our career and then becoming successful in the chosen field.
Additionally, when we start working again it is very important to communicate our activities and focus upon personal traits and communicate them timely to our superiors in order to become successful employee of the organization.
It can be any field but communication is a crucial; for example people from the field of science and technology they communicate via writing about their findings in magazines or internet as well books. For musicians, it’s the language of music helps to communicate their feelings. For actors, their emotions and gestures as well as actions help them to communicate their intentions. For all of these people if they fail to communicate themselves then it can ruin their career.
Overall, in order to become successful in our career it is paramount to communicate with other members of society and there can be various ways of communication like speaking, writing or gestures. This can be true for all human beings irrespective of language, culture or place.