what does "take into account in" mean?

Help me! I’m looking find the meaning of the phrase: “take into account in”. I looked up it in the online dictionary. But I didn’t look up it. You can tell me know its meaning, please.

Hello Orchid,

  1. I took X into account, in doing Y.

This means:

  1. When I did Y, I accepted that X might be relevant.

Best wishes,


some posts here to read:

Its about making a decision.
when you are thinking about something…take into account (i.e. don’t forget to remember) these other things when making that decision

for example, when deciding when to leave the house to visit a friend, you might have to take into account the traffic. if it is busy then you have to leave 10 minutes earlier.

The thing you take into account doesn’t have to change your decision all the time. in the above example you can still leave at the same time. but just remember it when you make the decision.
hope this cleared it up a little bit

Thank you for your help