What does pump up the jamb mean?

While I was shoping I found two words written on the shirt

I do not know the meaning of them ( pump up the jamb ) the second is (crandis ) ? plz help me about the meaning

“Jamb” is an architectural term, as in a “door jamb”, and “crandis” is not English.

In many non-English-speaking countries, they sell shirts and other clothing that have writing on them that looks like English. Often this writing either is not English, or it’s nonsense and very entertaining to native English speakers. I have seen shirts like that that made me laugh all day.

Is that term has bad meaning ? or what he ment by that wprd written on the shirt ?

As I said, the words written on the shirt don’t mean anything. “Crandis” is not English. “Jamb” means a part of a door frame.

You can see a door jamb here:

The writing on the shirt doesn’t mean anything good or bad. It’s just nonsense.

Thanks but also I found it on my fiancee shirt ( the fashion is the victim ) is not bad meaning ?

There is an English expression “fashion victim”, which means a woman who is so controlled by fashion trends that her clothing looks silly.

“The fashion is the victim,” means that instead of the garment making the woman look bad, the woman makes the garment look bad.

It’s not immoral or obscene, but it’s a little bit insulting to your fiancée.

Oh , my God . If y fiancee know she is going to kill the owner of the shop

The owner of the shop certainly doesn’t know. It’s slang that a person probably can’t know unless he lives in an English-speaking country.

I’ll bet the manufacturer of the shirt didn’t even know.

Hi Shin, maybe the manufacturer of your shirt had intended to write ‘pump up the jam’ rather than ‘pump up the jamb’?[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, photographs: Sea view[YSaerTTEW443543]

Mr.Torsten , This sentence has no bad meaning ?

No Shin,

It’s just a request, using modern informal language, to increase the intensity of the music.

Since you live in Saudi Arabia, double check to make sure it doesn’t say, “Pump up the jambon.”