What does 9/11 mean to you?

What are your associations with 9/11? Have the events had any impact on your life and do you think something similar can happen in the near future again?[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEFL listening discussions: A conversation between a university student and an adviser in the university’s work-study program[YSaerTTEW443543]

Hi Torsten,

I guess you saw the documentation on Kabel TV yesterday, didn´t you?

As for me, Michael Moore´s arguments sounded quite logical and shed some light on the events that happened. I mean, as sceptical as I am (you probably can imagine my opinion), I`d never thought about it in such dark colors since I always had the imagination that there is anything good in [color=red]everyones mind. At least the report (“officially” called a “satire”) destroyed some obscurity I had had before.

If Moore is right, many other questions come to mind to which he didn´t pay a certain attention and we shouldn´t think of events in the past but more than that to some in the future and especially East- and Middle Europe might prepare for hard times.

Do you think my opinion were to pessimistic???

Hi Torsten,

9/11 had an impact on anybody, I’m sure. The first impact it had on my life was that it spoilt a date I had that night. Admittedly, not a significant effect in comparison to 2 collapsing towers. The last time I felt it’s effect was when I had to take off my smelly trainers after the alarm of the security apparatus went off at baggage check in.

Hi Michael,

I can’t wait to hear Jamie’s response to this :slight_smile:

Hi Ralf,

I can´t too, if he consideres my post worth a response at all.

But how about you, Have you seen Moore´s “Fahrenheit 9/11”? And didn´t it enlighten you or at least give you an imagination of some unexplained events last years? I only am eager to know whether Moore could tell you something new?

Hi Michael,

I respect Michael Moore for what he is - an entertaining satirist. There is a lot of truth in satire, but you can’t take it at face value.

As with all statements about why 9/11 happened and about who the responsible party/ies.

Sometimes, I see it as a date each year when many Americans can again steal the limelight and make us forget/distract from all the other terrorist activities that have happened and are happening around the world. But that’s only sometimes.

I guess it’s all influenced by their, rapidly growing, “country first” thinking.

Hi Molly,

sorry, I didn´t get your point, i.e. I don´t know what you´re agreeing with.

-is it: Michael Moore is an [color=orange]entertaining satirist?

-or: [color=green]there is a lot of truth in satire?

-or: you [color=blue]can´t take it at face value?

Hi Ralf,

I must admit that Michael Moore´s Fahrenheit 9/11 jokes about the evidenced facts are that oppressive that I wasn´t able to find out much humour in it. So, the impression that Moore is just a simple “kidding bellyacher” didn´t came to my very special mind.

Hi Michael,

I think what Ralf and Molly were trying to say is that you probably shouldn’t believe everything Michael Moore tells you just as you shouldn’t believe everything the US government tells you. I remember having a similar discussion here.[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEFL listening discussions: What will the secretary do next?[YSaerTTEW443543]

Hi Michael,

You’re right, he’s not just a brawler. But he’s very clever when it comes to mixing truth with fiction. And he’s good at bringing matters to a head (just like Jamie). You may argue that his intentions are honorable. And you may say the same about Jamie :smiley:

This one.

you [color=blue]can´t take it at face value?

Excactly. It’s sometimes a good idea to consider which party has the most to gain or hide by their statements.


I think we´re unable to figure out who is closer to the truth: Michael M or Georgie B with his government?

But there is another question that makes me wonder about. Till joining this thread I have been thinking that satire means telling the truth while mixing it with a bit humour and exaggerating in some statements to make people think about events. Very important for satire is the use of humour. Michael Moore´s “F…” lacks of humour quite completely, at least there wasn´t any point I´ve been able to smirk about.

So is there another definition of “satire” all around me than I would define it?

Grateful for responses


Hi ,guys ,

It was as a bad nightmare, a shock .Untill now, i can not believe it.
Noone tell the truth and the only truth is the victims,May they rest in peace …

hello i think 119 is very important day no one can forget it frankly i sympthize with american pepole and victims but america is dictator country oppress us as arab and moslim cover the violent israeli works against palestinian because of this Osama bin ladn wanted o tell american government stop killing and oppressing us we can protect ourselves and our religion we are here you have to respect us every day there is blod in palestine,iraq where was the american government which claims it is the protector of human rights when they kill us no one speaks even a word but when we response and defend they raise their voice moslim are killer . i think this is not fair

Moore’s film made so many politicians so angry – including both Democrats and Republicans – that they got together and made film in response, called “Fahrenhype 9/11”. It not only explains Moore’s misinformation, but it also exposes the camera and editing tricks he used to create the false impression. The best thing to do is to watch both movies on the same night, first Moore’s movie and then the other one.

Another interesting thing would be for you to read the chapter on Michael Moore in the book “Do As I Say, Not As I Do” by Peter Schweizer. Moore was making big money by trading in Halliburton stock. (Actually, the entire book is quite good, and I’d recommend all of it.)

Your remarks confirm me in my belief that a lot of public opinion is based not only on what kinds of things are translated into other languages, but also what sorts of things never get translated.

I believe Michael Moore about as much as I believe that the Easter Bunny hides the eggs. That guy has a leftist agenda and he chooses only bits of information that support it… hacks full interviews into bits he can use… and is otherwise about as biased as a person can be. His crap cannot rightly be called documentaries.

I was asleep on the couch at 8:30ish Central when my girlfriend called ne. When I turned on the TV I thought I was watching a Hollywood trailer. When I figured out what I was seeing, I became very angry. I wanted to kill militant Muslims. I went to a bar and discussed our nuclear capability with others. What could we do with our arsenal, and how quickly could we do it, and could there be any retaliation?

I was very angry. And I thought, are they that hateful of western success? Are they that jealous?

And I thought then, and still think now, that there is no place for militant, extremist Islam. Hey, if they won elections fairly and didn’t kill or otherwise sabotage the opposition, fine… But whoever targets women, children, civilians… when they continue to be against personal freedom the likes of which we enjoy… that thinking needs to be erased.

A person should not have to fear that his beliefs will lead to his murder, or the abduction of his family, etc. If these people think they have a legitimate beef with western democracy and Christianity, let them voice their opposition. But if you target my friend down the street, well, sorry, I want you dead.

So you don’t believe anyone with a leftist agenda, right?