what are the qualities of a good neighbor?

  1. Neighbors are the people who live near us. In your opinion, what are the qualities of a good neighbor? Use specific details and examples in your answer.

The old adage say (good fence makes good neighbors). This implies that in order to be a good neighbor you most respect the privacy of your neighbors. Making boundaries, of course, will help in creating a peace-full neighborhood. Besides respecting their privacy, there are other qualities that most be in a good neighbor.

First and foremost, keeping the neighborhood quit especially in early morning or late night. One simple way to be sure that you accomplish this is by decreasing the noise lever. In additions, keeping an eye on your pets; make sure that they didn’t bark at others. Also, you should let them know if you plan to have a party on the weekends. By doing so, you will be as considerate as possible. Hence, the increased number of cars outside your home won’t surprise them.

Another important thing to take in considerations is helping your neighbor in time of needs. If you know them well, you can lend a listening ear when life gets rough. Also, you may offer help with chores if they are sick. Checking on their children’s or pets when they are out of home can be very helpful.

Actually, a very simple gesture can help in foster deep friendship with your neighbors. Sending cards or taking home cooked meal can be very appreciated. These things require little time and effort and help in create a sense of community.

In conclusion, being a good neighbor is not difficult. In order to be a good neighbor you should take a good look into your behaviors toward the people that live near to you. By doing so, the neighborhood will become peace-full. Also, our world might be a better place to live in.

I spend to much time writing this essay, I hope that I get better score this time :slight_smile:

TOEFL listening discussions: A conversation between a university student and an adviser in the university’s work-study program

  1. Neighbors are the people who live near us. In your opinion, what are the qualities of a good neighbor? Use specific details and examples in your answer.

The old adage sayS (good fenceS makes good neighbors). This implies that in order to be a good neighbor you most respect the privacy of your neighbors. Making boundaries, of course, will help in creating a peaceful neighboUrhood. Besides respecting their privacy, there are other qualities that mUst be in a good neighbor.

First and foremost, keeping the neighboErhood quiEt, especially in THE early morning or late AT night. One simple way to be sure that you accomplish this is by decreasing the noise leveL. In addition, keeping an eye on your pets; make sure that they didn’t bark at others. Also, you should let YOUR NEIGHBOURS know if you plan to have a party on the weekend. By doing so, you will be as considerate as possible. Hence, the increased number of cars outside your home won’t surprise them.

Another important thing to take inTO considerations is helping your neighboUr in time of needs. If you know them well, you can lend a listening ear when life gets rough. Also, you may offer help with chores if they are sick. Checking on their children’s or pets when they are out of THEIR home can be very helpful.

Actually, a very simple gesture can help in fosterING deep friendship with your neighboUrs. Sending cards or taking A home cooked meal can be very appreciated. These things require little time and effort and help in creatING a sense of community.

In conclusion, being a good neighboUr is not difficult. In order to be a good neighboUr you should take a good look into your behavioUrs toward the people that live near to you. By doing so, the neighboUrhood will become peaceful. Also, our world might be a better place to live in.

Very good work SC.

Kitos. 8.5/10

As we all know neighbors are the people who live near us and consequently we share with them our daily life. They are diverse people with their own habits and behaviors and they have their invisible impact on us. Good neighbors can make us feel comfortable and give us much support and everyone would benefit from a good relationship with them. In my point of view, these are the qualities of a good neighbor.
One of the most important characteristics of a good neighbors is that they are well-behaved and are friendly to others. Imagine yourself, in the morning, when you are going to work, a friendly smile and wishing good luck from your neighbor make you feel self-confident, and surely you try to detour meeting with a bad person, like when you see a “black cat crossing your way”. Moreover, children are most likely to be influenced by neighbors and carry on habits that they have. Therefore, we feel more comfortable with having good neighbors, knowing that our children are in safe environment.
Another important quality of a good neighbor is that they should be helpful. In our daily life we may be forced with different kinds of difficulties or troublesome situations, that we can’t resolve ourselves. In the current situation, the first person who comes to our mind is often our good neighbor, who can probably give us the quickest back up. That’s why in some cases good neighbors are as important as relatives for us, because they can provide an immediate help. And definitely if we need to have a good neighbor, in the same way, a neighbor likes to get feedback from us.
In a conclusion, I want to add the proverb: “It’s better to have one good neighbor next to you, than ten good relatives far from you”. The best way to have a good neighbor, is by being good ones ourselves. We can’t demand others to do something for us, if we don’t offer to do it for them, as in any cases we are neighbors for them.
In sum, I think that for having or being good neighbor, characteristics that qualify good behaviors are important qualities for feeling that you are in your comfort zone.

Hi narat65
I think that u have to post your essay as a new post otherwise Kitos won’t correct it .