"We need to fire Jack immediately and stop the press from finding out somehow. We have a clear- ..... case of embezzlement and fraud here. It would lower our stock prices if the public found out that this could happen to our company," Luke said to Jake.

"We need to fire Jack immediately and stop the press from finding out somehow. We have a clear- ..... case of embezzlement and fraud here. It would lower our stock prices if the public found out that this could happen to our company," Luke said to Jake. (*) cut (*) book (*) glass (*) white

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://english.best/questions/13445,we-need-to-fire-jack-immediately-and-stop-the-press-from-finding-out-somehow-we-have-a-clear-___-case-of-embezzlement-and-fraud-here-it-would-lower-our-stock-prices-if-the-public-found-out-that-this-could-happen-to-our-company-luke-said-to-jake/