We examine the impact of instalment receipts trading on the underlying stocks' volatility; IRs are a ..... security that evidences the purchase stock offerings in Canada

We examine the impact of instalment receipts trading on the underlying stocks' volatility; IRs are a ..... security that evidences the purchase of an underlying security on an instalment basis, and they have been used to facilitate large secondary stock offerings in Canada. (*) daughter (*) derivative (*) sibling (*) subordinate

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://english.best/questions/9702,we-examine-the-impact-of-instalment-receipts-trading-on-the-underlying-stocks-volatility-irs-are-a-___-security-that-evidences-the-purchase-of-an-underlying-security-on-an-instalment-basis-and-they-have-been-used-to-facilitate-large-secondary-stock-offerings-in-canada/

I hesitate among derivative, subordinate and daughter. I will choose by luck. I will choose subordinate.