'Vous' 'u' and 'Sie' personal pronouns to address one single person in French, Dutch and German respectively

In French:

  • Monsieur Townsend, est-ce que vous avez bien dormi?
  • Monsieur Townsend, avez-vous bien dormi?

In Dutch:

  • Mijnheer Townsend, heeft u goed geslapen?
  • Goed geslapen, mijnheer Townsend?

In German:

  • Herr Townsend, haben Sie gut geschlafen?
    Gut geschlafen, Herr Townsend?

  • In Dutch, due to spelling reforms, ‘u’ is no longer spelled with a capital letter, except at the beginning of a sentence and that goes for ‘vous’ in French too.

  • ‘Sie’ is the polite form in German to address one person and must always be spelled with a capital letter, regardless of the position of the personal pronoun in the sentence.

English translation: Mr. Townsed, did you sleep well? Or ‘Have you slept well.’

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