Vocabulary list - an excellent way of memorising vocabulary?

I am weak in vocabs. So I am planning to post vocabulary everyday in this post to keep track of my vocab skills and to get feedback about those words from you guys.

Alan - Please advise if am not learning in proper way.

Here are the words I have to learn about today.

  1. Amateur
  2. wiped
  3. extrapolation
  4. predicament
  5. hyphothesis
  6. witnessed
  7. glimpses
  8. scandal
  9. deficit
  10. homicide
  11. piggyback
  12. entitled
  13. deflation(difference between Inflation)
  14. Conspiracy
  15. radical
  16. tenacity
  17. salutation
  18. undermine
  19. tangible
  20. incumbent


Do you normally write a sentence with each new word? Putting words in context is an excellent way of memorising vocabulary.

Hi Mangal, I agree with Conchita. Learning words is possible only if you put them into context. Word lists are not very useful because they don’t make much sense. How did you come up with the words in your list?[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, photographs: Two people enjoying the sea[YSaerTTEW443543]

Hi Mangal

Where are you getting your words from?

How are you organizing and keeping track of them (other than posting them here)?

How are you learning them? As Conchita mentioned, you should have them in sentences (context) in addition to having definitions.

Here is your list again, aphabetized and with notations for part of speech:

amateur (n)
be entitled to (v)
conspiracy (n)
deficit (n)
deflation (n) antonym: inflation
extrapolation (n)
glimpse (n) (v)
homicide (n)
hypothesis (n)
incumbent (n) (adj) phrase: be incumbent on/upon
piggyback (adv) (adj) (n) (v)
predicament (n)
radical (adj) (n)
salutation (n)
scandal (n)
tangible (adj)
tenacity (n)
undermine (v)
wipe (v)
witness (v) (n)

In addition to learning words in sentences/context, an “easy” way to increase your vocabulary is to learn various forms of words. Let’s take “conspiracy” as an example:

  • conspire (v)
  • conspiracy (n)
  • conspirator (n)
  • conspiratorial (adj)


Dear Conchita,Torsten and Amy,

Thank you very much for all of your reply. I would like to improve my vocabs to write GMAT next year. I have been trying to improve my word power for the last 3 months…Since I don’t have strong commitment to do that, I have decided to post words here everyday and then start writing few sentences for those words…I am really delighted by all of your support…Hope to get help from all of you for next 3-4 months…

I have picked up today’s words from numb3rs serials and wallstreet journal…I have “Normal Lewis” word power book and vocabs lists…

Thanks for your advise and classification of words…Please help me…


I disagree. Everyone has his own methods of memorizing words. :stuck_out_tongue:

SkiIucK ,you are absolutely right…
And yet, I think there are many other excellent ways of memorising new words - I usually imagine a picture or situation in my mind, which is connected with a difficult unknown word. So when I am examined on the new vocabulary at school eg and I feel stressed out I just try to remember my visualization of the word . It helps very much :wink:

Good for you, Butterfly! Luckily, our English education is rather easy and I dont have to sweat. As for the memorizing, when I hear a word that I dont know, I usually understand what its meaning is just by the way it sounds and is written. Strange but good.

Hi, SkiIucK
you are again quite right but I’d like to say that I partially disagree with the statement about our English education. :roll: To be more precise, wherever you study English ( in this case BG or in another country), it’s only up to you how easy your education and studying will be.
If your English teachers are good enough (the school is also imortant) then you will have tosweatfor sure. :wink:

Nowhere but in the language learning specialized high-schools the education provided is good enough. Everywhere else teachers don`t know what English is. You cannot convince me by any means in the opposite.

That was a part of what I was trying to say.

Generalizations can be always brought into question.

:lol: OK,I won’t try to persuade you anymore

Hi SkiIuck

I’m curious where (how) you learned to use “sweat” this way.


Hello, Amy!

In my native tongue (Bulgarian) we have such an expression, and I`ve heard of it many times used in a variety of tough situations.