use the preposition "post in"

Sends an e-mail when someone replies to a topic you have posted in.

Why use the preposition “in” in the above sentence?

Like “sent in”, etc. = posted in here.

Hi Sitifan

In this particular case, I presume that “a topic” is a forum thread, so the posts for a particular thread can be seen as being “in the thread/topic”. In other words, a forum thread can be compared to a container and the posts that make up that thread are the contents “in” that container.

I would agree with Amy. As a footnote: you could also say:

  1. Sends an e-mail when someone replies to a topic you have posted to.

In this case, the thread is viewed as a noticeboard to which posts are attached.

(In an accounting context, you would also “post” items “to” an account.)