Usage of article (He's very intelligent; he has ... I.Q. of 160)

1/ He’s very intelligent; he has ______ I.Q. of 160.

A. some

B. a

C. an

D. the
=> which is right?

2/ Please do not stop your work.

A. Please, work nonstop.

B. Please, go on with your work.

C. Please, put a stop to your work.

D. Please, carry out your work now.
=> the answer for this is D, but I personally think A is more suitable…

1: a
2: a, although I can’t imagine a context in which you would say “Please, work nonstop.” Sounds rather odd. By the way, where do you copy all those questions from?[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC short conversations: Two business people meet at a conference[YSaerTTEW443543]

Hi Torsten,
Thanks a lot for your help :wink:
These test questions are taken from many sources, mainly from my books (written by non-native authors) for 12 graders who are about to take the entrance exam to universities.

1/For the first question, could you please explain why we should choose A but not the others?
2/ For the second question, I also think A is right though the answer in my book is D. Anyway, I just want to make sure that I’m right because, you know, these books always contain so many mistakes and sometimes we don’t know whether we should believe them or not…


Hi Nessie,

Are you editing those text books or are you preparing for a university entrance exam? I’m asking because if you are interested in improving your English, you might be better of concentrating on what’s correct rather than spending time thinking about what’s incorrect. I understand that you want to learn grammar rules. The question is how you can achieve this. Let me know what you think.

TOEIC short conversations: Co-workers talk about the installation of the company’s new computer system.[YSaerTTEW443543]

Hi Torsten,
I’m a twelve grader who is about to take the entrance exam.Thanks a lot for your advice. Of course, I’d love to improve my English, and I know I should learn which is right rather than which is wrong. However, here in this country they don’t care which is right and which is used correctly according to English style. what they care is which is right according to books or teachers. Yesterday my teacher at school said that this sentence is completely correct:
Is that girl who won the competition?
I argued with her for quite some time but anyway, I’m not the teacher and it’s also because I don’t know how to prove that she’s wrong, I lost at last.
Studying English is my goal of life, but studying English in these schools in my country is such a boring thing.I don’t want to vex anyone but I think that’s why students in this country never learn decent English and that’s why most twelve graders can only do English exercises but can never speak or listen to English…

Thanks for your time