Go straight down this street and at the next corner turn into Baker street.
Also, something can turn into another thing or you turn them into it, that means, they change and become that thing.
For example:
The story had been turned into a movie.
When you turn you go to bed. You can also turn somebody in, that means you take them to the police.[YSaerTTEW443543]
TOEIC listening, photographs: People shopping[YSaerTTEW443543]
OK, you can say:
I’m going to bed now.
I’m turning in now.
You can say:
I’ll take you to the police because you were trying to steel my car.
I’ll turn you in because you were trying to steel my car.[YSaerTTEW443543]
[color=darkblue]You can say:
I’ll take you to the police because you were trying to steel my car.
I’ll turn you in because you were trying to steel my car.