Trying to know what subject I should study to learn this

Recently I read someplace something that goes like this:

“And neither should he care”

No need to remember the whole thing, I just wanted to know what I should study to learn when cases like that happen, when you put verbs that are generally placed after the pronoun before.

I remember seeing other examples like that but I forgot to write it down, and when I try to search stuff like “verb before pronoun” I end up with stuff that doesn’t really have to do with what I had in mind. You don’t really need to explain to me just tell me what is the subject I should be studying.


Note that when sentences begin with a negative or a semi-negative, the order of the subject and the verb in those sentences will exactly be the same as in a grammatically correct interrogative sentence. Look at the following examples:

Did he realize his mistake? (Interrogative sentence)
Yes, he did (he realized his mistake). (Declarative sentence)

Did he realize his mistake? (Interrogative sentence)
No, he didn’t (he didn’t realize his mistake). (Declarative sentence)

Another answer can be: He hardly (little) realized his mistake. (Declarative sentence)

Now, if you want to begin the sentence with the semi-negative (Hardly/Little), it will be as follows:
Hardly/Little did he realize his mistake. (Declarative sentence - Here you will find the verb-subject order, though.)

On the same analogy, if there is a negative, the same pattern will follow as in the conversational example below:

A: I didn’t enjoy the film.
B: Neither did I. (I didn’t enjoy it either.)
C: Nor did I. (I didn’t enjoy it either.)
(The answer can be with either Neither or Nor as exemplified above but in either case the verb-subject order will appear.)


That’s it, thanks good sir. I’ll have a further look.