TOEFL Rescoring?

Hi, guys!
I read some post here about rescoring the Speaking and Writing sections.
I received my score yesterday and I am very disappointed: total 97 and I need 100!
Just 3 marks below!
I have:

I am thinking about rescoring.
My question is if any of you have tried to rescore these two sections and what was the rezult?
I’ll realy appreciate your help!

TOEFL listening lectures: A lecture from an Art History class

hi guy
i read some forums about rescorıng but all people attended the forum saıd that ıt ıs ımpossıble. some of them got very low scores like 1-6 points from readıng sections. ıt is obvious that there is a technical error…they trıed to rescore their scores but they couldn’t manage…Your test score is very good. I appreciate you…and wish that you take 100 in next try…
best regards…