TOEFL essay: If we observe the lives of others from the close, we can find out...

If we observe the lives of others from the close, we can find out that nobody is happy with their lief.Because they are never satisfied with what they have, they always looking for some thing new and different. Behind this is many reason, like greed for enough money to gain all the success of life and some time the spirit of competition with others is also a responsible factor for it. People many times prefer to do many different things just for change,to break the monotony of life and in search of the best.

First of all, human by nature is always greedy from the beganing.they always want to go to a good school, high education, high status in the society and have a huge amount of money to gain all the neccissity of life. And they struggling for this purpose day and night and when they achive it, they never satisfied with it and desire for more and more. Because human desire is never ends. they start competition with others and want a better life from others.because as we go through life our desire and need change and things that satisfy those needs change with it.

Second,many times people do a lot of things just for change, because they tired of the lake of variety and search for some thing new and different.for example if you have a beautiful car after a year you want some thing different, because you tired of the sameness. If people satisfied with the old things then the world can never be develop, and this is the main key for the development and invention of new things.Almost all human being search for something new and stable but when they reached to it they again look for other alternatives, they always pine for what they do not have.
last but not least, i would like to say that human desire is never ends, if they ends there will be no purpose for life. thats way people never satisfied with what they have, they always looking for some thing new and different.

TOEFL listening discussions: What will the student probably do with her next paper?


I’ve made some amendments in CAPITALS:

If we observe the lives of others UP close, we can find out that nobody is happy with their LIFE because they are never satisfied with what they have, they ARE always looking for some thing new and different. Behind this ARE many reason, like greed for enough money to gain all the success of life and some time the spirit of competition with others is also a responsible factor for it. People many times prefer to do many different things just for A change,to break the monotony of life and in search of the best.

First of all, A human BEING by nature is always greedy from the BEGINNING.they always want to go to a good school, HAVE highER education, A high status in society and have a huge amount of money to gain all the necessitIES of life. And they strugglE for this purpose day and night and when they achiEve it, they ARE never satisfied with it and desire more and more because human desire never ends. They start competition with others and want a better life from others because as we go through life our desire and need change and things that satisfy those needs change with it.

SecondLY,many times people do a lot of things just for A change, because they ARE tired of the LACK of variety and search for some thing new and different.for example if you have a beautiful car after a year you want some thing different because you ARE tired of the sameness. If people ARE satisfied with the old things then the world can never be developED, and this is the main key for the development and invention of new things.Almost all human beingS search for something new and stable but when they reach it they again THEY look for other alternatives, they always pine for what they do not have.
Last but not least, i would like to say that human desire never ends. If IT ends there will be no purpose for life. THAT’S WHY people ARE never satisfied with what they have, they ARE always looking for something new and different.
