Today's first independent essay,thank you so much!

Do you think that people should buy things made in their own country; even the price is higher than same things made somewhere else.
Even though the price is higher, whether people should buy the same things made in their own country? Some people may say yes, because they consider that in order to encourage the economic development of their country and show their love for their country, they should buy things made in their motherland. However, considering that people’s choice should depend on their own economic conditions and the quality of the local goods may be of worse qualities than the import goods, I do not think people should buy things made in their own country especially when the price is higher than the same things made somewhere else.
First, I believe people’s choice should depend on how much money there is in their pockets. Some people are not that rich and thus it may not be a good choice for them to buy things produced in their country because the prices are always higher compared with the same things made abroad. Take me for example: I am a poor student who does not have any income. All my money is from my parents and sometimes the money is so less that it is hard for me to make ends meet. For instance, if I want to execute a larger purchase such as buying a washing machine, I need to save for several months. Thus, for people like me, I do not think we should buy things made in our own country because they are always too expensive than the same thing made abroad.
In addition, from my personal experience, the qualities of the same things made in foreign countries are always better than that made in my country. One year ago, I bought a Phillips hair drier in my school and almost at the same time my father happened to bring a same hair drier home from Tokyo. The price of electronic equipment in China is always higher than the same thing made in Japan because the goods produced in our country require higher material costs. However, it turned out that my hair drier broke down a month later while my father’s hair drier stands the test of time and still works well now. I was shocked by the range between the quality of these two things, which made me never believe the same things made in my country are of better qualities and worthwhile for me to buy them.
All in all, as I have stated, some poor people do not have enough money to afford the same but expensive things made in our own country and many same items made in my country are not of great qualities. Therefore, I definitely disagree with the point that people should buy things made in their own country; even the price is higher than same things made somewhere else.

TOEFL listening lectures: Why does the lecturer mention Leonardo da Vinci?

Post subject edited to reflect standard English.

I think the title here should be something like:
Independent essay: Buying goods - home made vs made abroad.

Hi Vivian, I didn’t think this essay was quite up to your normal standard. You seemed to have quite a few sentences that just did not sound very natural to me. You still had some good content and examples, though it was odd for me to read some of your points because here in the US we think China can make everything cheaper than any other country in the world. Try to avoid using “things” - it often makes it sound like you could not come up with a more specific word. Overall, I think I would rate this one a 4 out of 5.