"to which" in middle of a sentence?


“to which” in middle of a sentence what means?

Welcome to the forum, Mj_Developer!

The word “which” represents a previously mentioned thing in a new sentence, to avoid repetition:

  • “This is a pizza.” +
    Pizza is my favorite food.”
    [color=darkred]“This is a pizza, ←which is my favorite food.”
  • You haven’t called me.” +
    “I hate you now because you haven’t called me.”
    [color=darkred]“You haven’t called me, ←which is why I hate you now.”
  • [color=darkred]“There are beautiful green little birds, ←which sing well in the mornings.”

If the sentence using “which” has an action involving “[color=blue]verb TO + the thing represented by which”, you end up using “to which”.

  • “That’s a beautiful song.” +
    “You should [color=blue]listen TO that beautiful song.” +
    “We should [color=blue]dance TO that beautiful song.”
    [color=darkred]“That’s a beautiful song [color=blue]TO [color=darkred]←which you should [color=blue]listen[color=darkred], [color=blue]TO [color=darkred]←which we should [color=blue]dance”.

Cheers, [color=blue]to ←which I [color=blue]add more… …cheers!

Example: The element shall be used to describe the time, culture, geography or region to which the SCORM Content Model Component applies.

and SCORM Content Model Component are noun!

Can you explain to me the above sentence what does it mean?

Oh, usually the “which” refers to the closest/latest thing(s) mentioned before it.
So from…

… we can interpret that :

  1. You can describe a time, a culture, a geography OR a region using elements.
  2. The SCORM C.M.C. may [color=blue]apply to a time, a culture, a geography or a region
  3. You shall use the element to describe, specifically, THE time, culture, geography or region [color=blue]to ←which the SCORM Content Model Component [color=blue]applies.

Whoa, and I was all talking about pizzas, phone calls and little birds… o_O

My cheers shall be used to finish posts, letters or conversations [color=blue]to ←which they (=cheers) pertinently [color=blue]apply. Cheers!