hi guys!!
I have been learning the GRE word list from various sources and I found that many of the words are synonymous to one another. So, I just composed my own thesaurus of the GRE word list and wanted to share with all those who are finding difficult to learn new words.
Here is a list of thesaurus of only the GRE words.
- Abhorrent, abominable, detestable, execrable, loathsome, obnoxious, repellent, repugnant, odious, heinous, disgusting
- Abandon, renounce, maroon, leave in the lurch, forfeit, disown, waive, ditch, abdicate, jilt, forsake, abjure, disown, repudiate
- Abnormal, aberrant, anomalous, bizarre, eccentric, freak, idiosyncratic, queer, wayward
- Scurrilous, calumnious, libelous, opprobrious
- Libel, calumny, defamation, denigration, misrepresentation, obloquy, slander, aspersion, vilification, malign, traduce, smear, besmirch, tarnish, imputation, vituperation, defile
- Abundant, bountiful, copious, luxuriant, rampant
- Abuse, assault, execration, invective, vituperation, affront, berate, castigate, inveigh, odium
- Acclaim, applaud, extol, commend, kudos, laud, eulogize, ovation, esteem, plaudits, acquiescence, endorsement, mandate, ratification
- Accusations, impeachment, allegation, summons, indictment
- Acquit, absolve, exonerate, vindicate
- Bounty, largesse, munificence, philanthropy
- Commendable, absolve, exemplary, laudable, meritorious, honorable
- Contemptible, despicable, detestable, disgraceful, loathsome, odious, ignominious, dishonorable, discreditable
- Condemnable, reprehensible, deplorable
- Censure, condemnation, culpability, reprimand, recrimination, reproach, denounce
- Aggressive, antagonistic, bellicose, belligerent, pugnacious, warlike, fractious, quarrelsome, contentious, litigious, militant
- Irascible, petulant, peevish, dyspeptic, cantankerous, irritable, bilious
- Agreement, accord, conformity, consensus, harmony, unanimity, compact, treaty, covenant, truce, pact
- Approbate, comply, accent, concur, approve, acquiesce, concede, accord
- Alleviate, abate, allay, ameliorate, assuage, mitigate, slake, subdue, temper, relieve, mollify, appease, conciliate, placate, gruntle
- Alliance, affiliation, coalition, concordat, compact, confederation, consortium
- Allure, attract, beguile, decoy, entice, lure, magnetize
- Mitigate, palliate, extenuate
- Coax, wheedle, inveigle, cajole
- Amiable, affable, amicable, genial
- Amorous, carnal, enamored, erotic, lustful, lecherous, licentious, salacious, lascivious, libidinous, lewd, prurient, lubricious, bawdy, erotic
- Ancient, antediluvian, antiquated, archaic, outmoded, pass?, primordial
- Animosity, acerbity, acrimony, animus, antagonism, antipathy, asperity, malevolence, rancor, vindictiveness, enmity, malice
- Anonymous, incognito, pseudonymn
- Phlegmatic, sluggish, languid, indolent, listless, lackadaisical
- Apathy, lassitude, lethargy, debility, languor
- Apex, acme, apogee, zenith, crest, culmination, summit, pinnacle
- Apologetic, contrite, penitent, remorseful, rueful
- Apprentice, novice, tyro, greenhorn
- Appropriate, apposite, apropos, apt, befitting, felicitous, opportune, pertinent, seasonable, seemly
- Arbitrary, autocratic, despotic, imperious, tyrannical, totalitarian
- Arbitrary, capricious, whimsical, erratic, eccentric, mercurial, quirky
- Ardent, zealous, fervent, impassioned, passionate
- Arduous, grueling, laborious, herculean, onerous
- Altercation, bickering, clash, dispute, feud, squabble, wrangle, quibble, carp, cavil
- Arrogant, cavalier, haughty, impudent, supercilious, swaggering, presumptuous, snobbish, condescending, insolent
- Articulate, eloquent, glib, lucid
- Asperity, abrasiveness, acerbity, acidity, acrimony, churlishness, irascibility, rancor
- Atrocious, heinous
- Augury, premonition, forewarning, portent, foreboding, bode, foreshadow, presentiment
- Ascetic, austere, Spartan, self-denying
- Frugal, parsimonious, stingy,
- Banal, clich?d, commonplace, hackneyed, humdrum, platitudinous, stereotyped, trivial, trite
- Banish, exile, expel, rusticate, outlaw, oust, expatriate, deport
- Banter, badinage, chaffing, repartee
- Barbarian, boor
- Barrage, fusillade, onslaught, bombardment, assault
- Barrier, embankment, rampart, bulwark, blockade, fortification, palisade
- Beget, procreate, father
- Bell, carillon, knell
- Bemuse, befuddle, bewilder, stupefy, confound, daze, flummox, muddle, mystify
- Benevolent, altruistic, beneficent, benign, compassionate, philanthropic
- Berserk, frenzied, frenetic, demented, deranged, maniacal
- Bizarre, eccentric, freakish, grotesque, outlandish, weird, idiosyncratic
- Beseech, implore, importune, entreat, supplicate
- Besiege, beleaguer, pester, badger
- Bewitch, captivate, enrapture, enchant, enthrall, entrance, mesmerize, ensnare, endear, engaging
- Biased, bigoted, chauvinistic, jaundiced, partisan, tendentious, patriotic, jingoistic, sectarian
- Genealogy, lineage, pedigree, race
- Blasphemous, impious, irreverent, profane, sacrilegious
- Blatant, barefaced, flagrant, conspicuous, shameless
- Blaze, conflagration, holocaust, carnage, massacre
- Boastful, vainglorious, bragging, conceited
- Boisterous, obstreperous, rowdy, uproarious
- Burlesque, caricature, travesty, lampoon, parody, sham, pastiche
- Circuitous, devious, labyrinthine, meandering, oblique, rambling, tortuous, serpentine
- Dainty, squeamish, fastidious, meticulous
- Dappled, pied, motley, speckled, variegated
- Dawdle, dally, loiter
- Dexterous, agile, nimble, deft, adroit, lithe, limber
- Devilish, demoniac, diabolic, fiendish, infernal
- Dingy, murky, drab, seedy, dowdy
- Discordant, cacophonous, clashing, dissonant, incongruous
- Dormant, comatose, quiescent, latent, torpid
- Ephemeral, fugitive, evanescent, fleeting
- Etiquette, civility, protocol, decorum
- Exuberant, ebullient, effervescent, vivacious, exultant
- Fashionable, modish, vogue, contemporary, trendy
- Flirt, coquette, philanderer
- Gaunt, emaciated, cadaverous, lanky, haggard
- Grandiloquent, bombastic, melodramatic, pompous, rhetorical
- Heresy, unorthodox, heterodox, iconoclast, pagan
- Hoodwink, cozen, deceive, dupe, hoax
- Impromptu, extemporized, offhand
- Impregnable, impenetrable, invincible, unconquerable
- Insidious, deceptive, treacherous, surreptitious, furtive
- Lament, dirge, elegy, requiem
- Melancholy, lugubrious, disconsolate, despondent, somber, dejected, plaintive, lamenting, doleful
- Paraphernalia, appurtenance, accessories
- Perfunctory, cursory
- Pestilence, blight, pandemic, plague, contagion, epidemic
- Pillage, depredation, marauding, plunder, despoil, ransack, ravage, devastate
- Prevaricate, tergiversate, equivocate, evasive, elusive
- Profuse, exuberant, prolific, lavish, abundant
- Profound, erudite, esoteric, recondite
- Suspicious, apprehensive, skeptical, dubious, incredulous, wary
- Sycophantic, flattering, servile
- Therapeutic, curative, salubrious
- Tumult, pandemonium, turmoil, chaos, commotion, turbulence, uproar
- Virtuoso, maestro, prodigy
- Voracious, ravenous, rapacious, insatiable, avid
Please feel free to acknowledge my effort. I would be delighted to know if this were of any help to you.
If any of you come accross some more thesaurus of words that come in the GRE, feel free to add them to this list.
Good Luck
Enjoy reading!!