the point of the sentence

Hi, I came across the following sentence and am not sure if I touched the spot properly:

Curran et al. (2007) state that the Web 2.0 offers a means by which data and services previously looked into individual website for reading can be liberated and the reused.

In my opinion it sounds as if the authors state that Web 2.0 offers a means where data and services which had been considered before as a separate website for reading can be now out of control and used many times.

Am I right?

The original sentence doesn’t make a great deal of sense. Have you made a mistake in copying or was it not written by a native English speaker?

Yes, it was written by a non-English speaker.

In that case, I suggest you find a more reliable source than that sentence.

Possibly this is what was meant. Note I have changed the word ‘looked’ as well as corrected grammatical errors.

Curran et al. (2007) state that Web 2.0 offers a means by which data and services previously locked into individual websites for reading can be liberated and then reused.

This would mean that:
Before Web 2.0 technology data/services were only accessible within the individual websites.
With Web 2.0 technology the data/services are unlocked and can be used across a wider range of websites/platforms/applications.

Thank you, Bev!