The best way to resolve the international environmental problems is to increase the cost of fuel. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

International expert proposed many ways to tackle the global environmental issue. while raising fuel prices is a great measure to fight climate change, i disagree that it would be the best solution to alleviate.
That increasing the cost of fuel is an effective way to limit cars use that has lead to certain environmental benefits. Fewer cars use mean that the emissions to the atmosphere was reduced, thus It slowing the process of global warming. Furthermore, the depletion of natural resources is also controlled by less reliance on fuel. That reducing dependence on fuel will reduce demand and thus reduce exploitation of this resource. As a consequence, i believe that international bodies should exert pressure on countries to raise fuel prices.
However i would argue that there are more effective ways. Firstly, from the perspective of transport policy, introducing restrictions on the use of private vehicles must be high on the government agenda in all countries. If car and motorbike were difficult, more people would turn to use public transport. Secondly, government must allocate resources to development of alternative energy resources to power motor vehicles and machinery used in factory production. Finally to achieve sustainable development, international cooperation to share scientific knowledge and advances in technology should a top priority. This would range across issues such as the exploitation of renewable energy, halting the spread of deserts.
While raising the fuel prices would has some effect on alleviate global issues, I believe that there are more effective ways to do this.


Hi Trang Nguy, welcome to our forum and thanks for sharing your essay with us. I take it you are preparing for the IELTS exam and want us to tell you what marks you might be scoring?


Could you fix grammer, give some suggestion and give the score?


Plesse note the correct spelling of the word ‘grammar’. I think your English is quite good but you should stop worrying about formal exams such as IELTS because it soon will not be important any more.


Thanks. But i need it

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Please make sure to always capitalize the word “I” and put a full stop at the end of each sentence. That’s way more important than fretting about the outdated system of IELTS.