Take care of vs. Take care with

Hello teachers,

Take care of the weak forms.
Take care with the weak forms.

Is there any subtle difference?

Thanks in advance


Rather a large difference, to my mind:

Take care of – attend to or provide for the needs, operation, or treatment of

Take care with – be careful or watchful; exercise caution or prudence.

Can I ask an off-topic question?

When you use (if use) the expression cast prudence to the wind(s) :slight_smile:
do you use the single or the plural form for wind?

I met both uses.
(In my first language there are some sayings in which wind is always in single and there others in which it is used in plural.
But just now I cannot remember whether we (in Russian) have proverbs ‘allowing’ the use of both forms of the word.)

Hi Tamara

Since I think “throw caution to the wind” would be a more typical expression, I researched that a bit:

Google search results:

throw caution to the wind 234,000
threw caution to the wind 72,000

throw caution to the winds 25,100
threw caution to the winds 10,300

bnc: “to the wind”
sara.natcorp.ox.ac.uk/cgi-bin/sa … o+the+wind

bnc: “to the winds”
sara.natcorp.ox.ac.uk/cgi-bin/sa … +the+winds

Both singular and plural are used, but wind is apparently more commonly used.


Thank you, Amy.
I suppose, it’s just more easy to say.

Let the (-s) be Gone with the Wind.