Strange expressions of happiness

I was reading old topics on this site. There were some expressions suggested by Conchita showing the state of pleasure and happiness. I couldn’t catch the meaning of some of them:
As happy as a pig in a poke.
as a dog in the beach.
As pleased as a penny carrot.
Does poke mean jab and punch?
Beach - does it mean seaside? (So why in)
Penny - is it a sing. of pence?
Carrot - a vegetable? Penny carrot? What does it mean?
Thanks a lot if anybody helps me with this puzzle.

As happy as a pig in a poke: This saying is probably derived from ‘to buy a pig in a poke (bag)’, which is to buy or accept something without seeing it.

Beach - does it mean seaside? (So why in): I’d also have said ‘on the beach’, but gave the expression as I found it. Maybe ‘in the beach’ here suggests playing in the sand or water.

Penny - is it a sing. of pence?: Yes, ‘penny’ is the singular of ‘pence’ (price) and ‘pennies’ (coins).

Penny carrot? What does it mean?: Carrots must have cost a penny each at some point in the past. I don’t know how this relates to the saying, though, and couldn’t find the origin of the phrase.

I’m very grateful to you, Conchita. Your phrases and expressions are always so interesting and engaging.
I found some others written by you again and searched for the meanings, but invain. Maybe could you be so kind to give me some more explanations?

right Charlie
Handy Andy
Hooray henry?
The others were comprehensible.
Thank you one more time

We seem to share the same interest in sayings, idioms and expressions, Moniker!

a foolish person:
He looked a right charlie in that hat!
(Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary)

Handy Andy: a handyman, someone who is skillful, good with their hands.

Hooray Henry noun [C] UK DISAPPROVING
a young man from a high social class who speaks loudly and behaves in a noticeable way in public:
The pub was full of Hooray Henrys.
(Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary)

May God bless you for your goodness!
Many, many thanks from me…