
  1. I’m having difficulty with the steering.
  2. I’m having difficulty with the steering the car.
  3. I’m having difficulty in steering the car.
  4. I’m having difficulty in steering of the car.
    Are these sentences OK?
    Do they mean the same?
    If not, please explain their meanings.

#1 and #3 are OK; #2 and #4 are incorrect. More generally, these are OK:

A) “I’m having difficulty with the steering (of the car).”
B) “I’m having difficulty with/in steering (the car).”
C) “I’m having difficulty steering (the car).”

If you are talking about the process of driving, then all are possible, with © probably the most common. (A) alone can refer to a non-driving situation (e.g. difficulty repairing the steering mechanism, installing it, etc.)

Obviously, if “car” is not mentioned then the sentence could be talking about some other type of steering, depending on context.