Some wrong sentences, please help me to correct

  1. During the break time, they play volleyball on/ in the school yard.

  2. I am going to Paris on/ by boat.

  3. It’ s imprtant.

  4. My brother is visiting/ is going to visit me next month.

  5. There are three persons in my family: my father, my mother, and me (or I). Which one is better?

  6. He usually has a bread for breakfast.

  7. He comes back home/ comes home from school early.

  8. Why aren’t you on train now?

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During the break (time), they play volleyball in the school yard.

I am going to Paris by boat. (This is possible but not very likely. You usually would go to Paris by train, car, plane or coach.

It’s important.

Both are possible. ‘is visiting’ expresses a higher level of certainty than is ‘going to’.

Both are possible, ‘me’ might be colloquial and commonly used.

He usually has bread for breakfast. (The noun ‘bread’ usually is uncountable.)

‘back’ is redundant here.

Why aren’t you on the train now?