At First, thanks a lot for who has created this great website ,and I have noticed that the numbers of new members here is at an increase…so it’s a great achieving , and I think that it’s a proof of your success

In my viewpoint … If you ask for success you should do your best and you still look for new ways which give your special manner …
I wrote that words because I really like this website very much and I hope for you and everybody here a good wishes …and I’m feeling this website is need to help every members here , so let’s help together 
My suggestions are :
[color=red]1- you can make something like language competition .
( about grammar or the meaning of sentence or somethings like that) , and the reward will be weekly prize , I suggest you that create a box as (Who is Online box ) and you’ll write winner’s name for one week .
or make the points system , and i think that it’s the fittest manner …
what’s your opinion ?
Note :This competition will be forbidden for administrators … 
[color=red]2- I think that our website is lacking to listening lessons ( audio or video ) ,and of course there are many kind of that lessons which can put them ( songs - part of English conversation - part of English film - part or your English radio - news …etc ) …
what’s your opinion ?
These are my first suggestions ,and i’ll think about the second …
Finaly, I asked myself about your crews, and in the different meaning what the advantages do you get when you did this job ?
Is there any finances do you get ?
is there any embarrassment ? If there is …don’t answer …
[size=150][color=red]Love …[/size]
Well, I hope that you have read my suggestions and hope you have understood it …
I don’t like to meddle in your affair or meddle in your business , but I had read before I wrote any words this sentence ( Let us know what you think about this website to make it even better… ) ,so, when I decided to write here ( in this forum ) I hoped that you’ll share with me and you’ll give me at least your opinion … but unfortunately , you sounded very busy and you didn’t care about my writing !!!
anyway if I told any things or any words that made you annoyed with me … I would like to apologize , and you can forget or remove my ideas simply …
However I’ll continue to give you my suggestions and my opinions and hope that you’ll think of them …( I’ve written these words because I LOVE THIS WEBSITE AND AS I TOLD YOU I’M SUPPOSING YOUR WEBSITE IS AS MY WEBSITE ) :
[color=red]3- I think that you should create a new link or dedicate one hour or two hours every week to make a real activity , I mean that something like chatroom …
be careful , not as ordinary or chatroom , but I mean chatroom between you ( Moderators) and we ( The students ) , just that !!
[color=red]4- I think that you should create a new forum that gives us a chance to introduce our countries and gives us a chance to know the countries all over the world …
Dear Hercules,
I think I must apologize for not getting back to you earlier. You see, I try to spend as much time on the forum as possible and for some reason I saw your message only this morning. This might be because we have quite a lot of sub-forums (forum categories) and the Feedback and Comments section is rarely used. In the beginning we had even more forum categories but they didn’t really take off so we decided to combine them into one forum called “What do you want to talk about?” in order to increase the number of posts which in turn will attract more users. The hardest part in building a forum is to get the ball rolling and reach a ‘critical mass’.
You have raised some interesting questions and I will go through them again more thoroughly with our team because we have created this community for you – our ‘users’, ‘partners’, ‘friends’ – whatever you want to be called.
As for your suggestions, yes, we are planning to run language contests, games and other activities and we also will offer voice (audio) features and chatrooms. It’s all a question of ‘organic growth’, this means, everything should happen at the right time. We are in phase where we want to collect feedback from people like you in order to provide services and features you really need rather than copying other websites. This is a process, a journey that never ends.
Hercules, you also asked about why we are doing this and whether or not there is money involved. Our primary goal is to create an environment in which people from all over world can exchange ideas, find answers to their questions and ask new questions, make new friends, practice and improve their English, prepare for their exams, play a game and a lot more. This is what counts and we have been able to find the financial means to achieve this goal. If we concentrate on our users, then everything else will follow – our website is living proof of this principle.
Hercules, please do continue to share your thoughts with us. You can also tell us more about your situation. Why do you want to improve your English? How often do you use the Internet? What other sites, chatrooms and portals do you use on a regular basis and why?
Talk to you soon,
PS: Have you tried to listen to the TOEIC rap song? How did you like it?[YSaerTTEW443543]
TOEIC short conversations: A prospective tenant has some questions about an apartment[YSaerTTEW443543]