Some questions

I bought and downloaded the toeic listening exercises yesterday and have some more questions:

  1. I downloaded the question and answer sheets, too, but is there any way to get a transcript and a list of the topics like you have them on the website?

  2. I was able to take a look at the material of the toeic - listen to all of the sound files, take a look at the topics… I might be also interested in the listening exercises for the toefl-test, but didn’t find much on your website. Did I just miss it?

I would be happy about some answers.

Best wishes,

Dear Melanie,

Thanks a lot for purchasing our products. As for the transcripts, we are in the process of preparing them and you will be able to download them once you log into your shop account.

As for our TOEFL test packages, they will be available in the shop in a few weeks. We will notify you when they are ready.

Many thanks for your patience,

TOEIC listening, photographs: Tram[YSaerTTEW443543]

The TOEFL packages are in the shop already. I was looking for a way to listen to the audio files, read transcripts or at least see the topics of the conversation mp3s (like I could here : … obahn.html for the toeic test).
I am not sure what the TOEFL conversations are about so I don’t know if I can use them - I am actually neither preparing for TOEFL nor for TOEIC - I am looking for “everyday” conversations… found some on TOEIC and am looking for more.
Best wishes,

Hello again Melanie,

Now I understand what you mean. We are going to add the transcripts to the TOEIC and TOEFL packages we are selling. (As of now we only have TOEFL conversations and lectures but no complete full-length TOEFL test packages which will be added to the store in a few weeks.)

If you are a customer, you have access to your shop account where you will be able to download an updated/upgraded version of your products. So as soon as we add the transcripts to our TOEIC materials, you will be able to get them from your shop account.

Please let me know if this answers your question.

Best regards,

TOEFL listening discussions: What upsets the young man’s mother?[YSaerTTEW443543]

Dear Torsten!Yesterday evening I was thinking about that how much this school has helped me to improve my English in the such short period of time.I always got immediately an
answer for every my question.I thought how can I requite for Yor hard work.I reckon that some kind of activities from your students can fructifay positively for the results of Yor work.I would like to know if the amount of our text_ entries can help.

        Grateful  Alicja1