Some people choose friends who are different from themselves. Others choose frien

Some people choose friends who are different from themselves. Others choose friends who are similar to themselves. Compare the advantages of having friends who are different from you with the advantages of having friends who are similar to you. Which kind of friend do you prefer for yourself? Why?

In my opinion we should have all kinds of friends surrounding us. I mean, those friends who are different from us and also those who are similar to us. For having friends different from you, we are able to learn different things from them and on the other hand for having friends similar to you we always have someone to better understand you when you need a shoulder to cry on.

Having friends different from us we are able to learn different things from them, this way we are able to abroad our knowledge and our skills. For example, as I have been working in medical field my skills for high tech technology as computer, or even for electronic devices is completely zero. When I get staked with my computer, which it used happen, or even when I need to buy certain electronic devices for example a digital TV, I used to ask a friend who works in high tech field to help me out or even giving me advices and opinion regarding that specific electronic device. At the same way, when my friend needs any advices or even some simple tips regarding my field of work I am able to give valuable information to improve his/her health condition. This way, we both help out each other and we both get benefit with our skills and strength out our friendship.

For people who is shy they could be more communicative for hanging around with friends who are more out going. For hanging around with friends who are more out going, they have an opportunity to observe the way how out going people express themselves and behave around a group of people they would feel more relaxed and this way they are able to change their behavior becoming even more sociable.

On the other hand, is also good to have friends similar to us to better understand us…
For example, when you are alone abroad is always good being surrounding by friends who are from the same place that you come from because we all have pretty much the same background and every one went trough the same situation as you as well so it’s easier to understand each other.

For all reasons described above, it always good to have friends, similar to you or even different from you. Either way, both kinds of friendship always enrich our lives on their peculiar way.

TOEFL listening discussions: A conversation between two students at their university cafeteria

Hello spoon.
I,m agree with you. its very good to have different kind of friend. difference between our friend and us, can help us to learn more about how to behavior with others, how to have good relationship together and it is really a good experience.but some time this differences can hurt you!
With the best wishes.