Solutions to prevent young people from turning crime

There has been great tendency to commit a crime among young people. Lack of education, financial problems, any kind of addiction trigger these people to commit crimes unconsicously and each passing day due to above reasons crime rates are increasing alarmingly. As a result of this increase juvenile crime become a formidable obstacle. Yet, young people are the future of a country; therefore, drastic measures should be taken so as to combat the problem

To begin with magnitude of education with regard to preventing young people from perperate a crime, it can easily be said that, educated, sophisticated, enlightened youngsters have less incilination to commit a crime. Even though compulsory education is widespread in the world, government has great lameness when enforcing this law. To avoid the core of the problem, ignorance, government should budget more money for education.

Another point to be emphasized is that government should regulate police patrols and prison sentences and unless they take measures with a great urgency they will be faced with a huge amount of problems. It would certainly be good idea if police patrols were increased in high crime areas especially at night. The situation could be discouraging criminals with immediate police presence. Furthermore, if the prison sentences received for certain crimes were made longer the outcome would make criminals afraid of the consequences of being caught.

Consequently, juvenile crime should be ceased immediately for the sake of country. By avoiding this problem, a country will have more peaceful life, the level of education will be higher and other countless benefits.

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There has been great tendency to commit a crime among young people. Lack of education, financial problems, any kind of addiction trigger these people to commit crimes unconsciously(,) and each passing day(,) due to above reasons(,) crime rates are increasing alarmingly. As a result of this increase(,) juvenile crime HAS become a formidable obstacle yet young people are the future of a country; therefore, drastic measures should be taken so as to combat the problem

To begin with(,) THE magnitude of education with regard to preventing young people from PERPETRATING a crime(.) It can easily be said that, educated, sophisticated, enlightened youngsters have less INCLINATION to commit crime. Even though compulsory education is widespread in the world, government has great lameness when enforcing this law. To avoid the core of the problem, ignorance, government should budget more money for education.

Another point to be emphasized is that government should regulate police patrols and prison sentences, and unless they take measures with a great urgency they will be faced with a huge amount of problems. It would certainly be A good idea if police patrols were increased in high crime areas(,) especially at night. The situation could be discouraging TO criminals with immediate police presence. Furthermore, if the prison sentences received for certain crimes were made longer the outcome would make criminals afraid of the consequences of being caught.

Consequently, juvenile crime should be /ceased/ERADICATED/ immediately for the sake of the country. By avoiding this problem, a country will have A more peaceful life, the level of education will be higher and other countless benefits.
Your very best work to date Sherlock … congratulations.

Kitos. 8.5/10

thank you =)
your encouragement is really precious to me =)