Singular or plural (a cluster of grapes)

On my grammar guide it says “even the rudest intrusion is no reason for the subject and the verb to disagree.” And then an example “A cluster of grapes was haning just out of the fox’s reach” is followed. I wonder if I should use the singular verb form for words like “a number of”, “a total of”, “a group of”…

Hi cooliegirly,

It’s aways difficult to decide because Dr Grammar asks: What is the subject and the answer is - a number is - a total is - a group is but in reality this could sound awkward and unnatural because invariably the plural word as in: a number of players - a group of spectators seems to clash with the singular verb. My advice is: go for what sounds natural. I would say: A group of spectators are leaving the stadium /a number of players want to go home because you are using these expressions to suggest more than one of the players and of the spectators.



I always confused with the ‘vast majority’

The vast majority of people have…? has…?

Can I say ‘A vast majority’?
‘A vast majority of people is/are (?) disappointed in Microsoft.’ :slight_smile:

I think this is confusing to you because in Slavic languages you put the word for “majority” in the nominative, and then the word for “people” is in the genitive. Then the nominative noun, and not the genitive noun, winds up determining the person and number of the verb.

It’s a little looser in English. The word “majority” is usually “transparent” when it comes to the verb form, and we determine it by the noun “people”.

Yes, Jamie, you’re right.
Russian is more strict here.

However, I think that the vast majority of Russians :slight_smile: would be in doubt deciding which is “more” correct:

Большинство людей любят смотреть на закат.
Большинство людей любит смотреть на закат.

I - personally - vote for the first (the plural) :slight_smile:

Thank you.

Hi Tamara,

Although what you wrote in Russian is all Greek to me, I am hoping that your ‘the vast majority’ expression is attracting a plural verb. After all as I have said it seems to me many times on this site, the fact that following such expressions as ‘the vast majority of’ there is a plural noun and the fact that it rubs noses with the next word (the verb) must cry out for it (the verb) to be in the plural too.


Yes, Alan, in this case it’s better sounds with plural.
But generally… it depends…


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