Should nuclear power plants be banned?

After World War II, many countries stopped producing nuclear bombs, and people recognized how dangerous they were. A few countries also experienced an explosion of nuclear power plants. I believe that nuclear power plants should be banned as soon as possible. I feel this way for three reasons, which I will explain in the following essay.

To begin with, nuclear power plants have a risk of destroying our planet. Elements of nuclear power are quite harmful to our health and natural species, and if we use them in the incorrect way, our planet will soon disappear. Therefore, a large number of people defy nuclear plants. For example, Japan experienced an explosion at nuclear plants in 2009. People who lived there had to move to other places, and some people died. Then, people noticed the risk of it.

Second, many countries have started using renewable energy sources. Renewable energy is good for humans and our planet, and we can revitalize our planet. Human beings have destroyed our planet so far, and we have a responsibility to cure our planet. Therefore, many scientists have invented a large amount of technology to produce renewable energy. Some people say that it takes a great deal of time to shift to renewable energy completely from limited sources, but I think we should positively utilize new technology: renewable energy, instead of using limited energy.

Finally, renewable energy is cheaper than ordinary energy. Technically, renewable energy is produced by harnessing natural power, such as wind and water. The first cost, namely, facilities and installment, is expensive. On the contrary, in the long run, it is cheaper than using limited energy for a long time. Therefore, many people nowadays are starting to install solar panels on their roofs.

People’s consciousness, which humans have experienced throughout our history, and responsibility for our actions are the pistons that change energy sources. Furthermore, the cost is not as expensive as an ordinary one. Therefore, I absolutely believe that nuclear power plants should be banned.


I completely agree with all the points you are making and have slightly amended your essay below:

First of all, nuclear power plants carry the risk of destroying our planet. The elements of nuclear energy are very harmful to our health and natural species, and if we use them in the wrong way, our planet will soon disappear. That is why many people oppose nuclear power plants. For example, in 2009 there was an explosion in a nuclear power plant in Japan. The people who lived there had to move to other places, and some people died. As a result, people realized the danger they posed.

Second, many countries have started to use renewable energy sources. Renewable energy is good for people and our planet, and we can revive our planet. Humans have destroyed our planet so far, and we have the responsibility to heal our planet. Therefore, many scientists have developed a variety of renewable energy technologies. Some say that it will take a long time to completely switch from limited energy sources to renewable energy, but I think we should use the new technology positively: renewable energy instead of using limited energy.

After all, renewable energy is cheaper than conventional energy. Technically, renewable energy is produced by using natural forces such as wind and water. The initial cost, for equipment and installation, is expensive. However, in the long run, it is cheaper than using limited energy for a long period of time. That is why today many people are starting to install solar panels on their roofs.

People’s awareness, which they have developed throughout their history, and responsibility for their actions are the driving forces behind the change in energy sources. In addition, the cost is not as high as a conventional system. That is why I strongly believe that nuclear power plants should be banned.

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