Hi teachers!
In the very old and out of dated use some writers, like Shakespeare, say “we are possible to use the word [color=red]not after main verb to make negative form, in speaking”.
Ex: I care not the useful of the world.
My question: If one uses, at the present, this style in speaking will it be acceptable?
In the days when these writers were alive, the basic position of the main verb was BEFORE the negative particle. It was in the position where the auxiliary verb is now.
This made it possible to do two things that are (usually) not possible in modern-day English:
To make negative sentences with the main verb before “not”, such as, “We care not,” or, “They fear not.” These sentences are not possible in today’s English. In rare cases, people might say them to create a special effect, but they always sound archaic.
To move the main verb to the front of the sentence to form a question. “Where go they?” This form of question is also impossible in modern English, with a very few exceptions. It generally exists now only in fixed sentences that are frozen in time, as when an American judge asks, “What say the jury?” at the end of a court trial.
So, back to your question, it’s very rare today to put the main verb before “not”. Some people can do it with “have”, as when they say, “I haven’t a pen,” but anytime it’s done, it sounds distinctly archaic.