Sentence: For example, thousands of edible termites can be raised in a 6-foot...

© For example, thousands of edible termites can be raised in a 6-foot mound; the
same number of cattle requires hundreds of acres of grassland.

(d) For example, thousands of edible termites can be raised in a 6-foot mound
however the same number of cattle requires hundreds of acres of grassland.

betweeen above two options i chose d) because it seems to link two independent clauses with conjunctive adverb however but correct answer is c)

can someone explain why this is so?

c is correct because of the punctuation ;. though d uses “however” it still needs a ; after the first clause.

Thanks for replying, Tespineli,

If we consider semi colon to be absolutely necessary then there should be two independent clauses, but “however the same number of cattle requires hundreds of acres of grassland.” is not an independent clause so, should not need a semi colon.

Correct me if i am wrong or if i am missing something.


“however” is used as a conjunction here to connect two independent clauses. The second independent clause is “the same number of cattles requires hundreds of acres of grassland.” you don’t need to include the conjunction “however” in that clause. Present-day American English requires a semicolon when independent clauses are joined with “however.” If, however, the word is like this, it of course “can wander around positionally…”. :slight_smile: