Recommend and advise (again)

Hi all,

You know, in French, there are 2 verbs: “Conseiller” and “recommander” .

In French, the meaning of the 2 verbs is very different.

“Conseiller” means to advise but “recommander” only means to say to sb to pay attention on sth.

I consulted the dictionary French- English and I saw:

Conseiller = Advise.
Recommander = Recommend.

Howerver, in the English dictionary, people say the 2 verbs (advise and recommend)have the same meaning, like this:

They advise that a passport be carried with you at all times.
They recommend that a passport be carried with you at all times.

and :

I recommend he should see a lawyer.
I advise he should see a lawyer.

Are they the same meaning?



You can get a clearer picture of the 2 verbs if you look at the relevant nouns: advice and recommendation. Advice is a piece of information that will give you additional knowledge. Recommendation is a piece of information that tells you what others think is sound or good.

When using the verbs you say:

I recommend that you should see a lawyer/I recommend you to see a lawyer

I advise you to see a lawyer/I advise you that you should see a lawyer.

You will see that advise usually requires an object.


Dear Sir,

Many thanks.
