Recent Test takers!

I wud luv to hear from you guys who have given their GRE recently ( within 2-3mnths)

Reg. quant section,did u get more Qs from probabilty, coordinate geometry etc ??

And how was the verbal section??

Also, do u get essay topics only from the pool wht ETS has listed?

Also, I would highly appreciate your suggestions/views on what topics do i have to concentrate more ( both verbal and quant) to rev up my score! :smiley:

You’ll need to figure out yourself what topics to concentrate on based on your own strengths and weaknesses. It’s very personal, how you prep. For example, I’m strong on verbal but need more practice on quant. If you do math every day, you might not need much quant prep. What’s easy for you might be hard for me, and vice versa.

Sorry that’s not overly helpful! But I can tell you to get some good prep books and go through them thoroughly. I got and would highly recommend Official Guide, Princeton Review’s Cracking the GRE, and a vocab book called Word Smart. Also get the free Powerprep tests on

Good luck!