Reading comprehension tests on car free cities?

The future of urban mobility is an exciting topic I want to cover too so @Elida and @Andrea if you like you can create short reading comprehension exercises (TOEIC part 7) based on this article.

Please let me know what you think. Many thanks.


Torsten, I absolutely love this topic. I’ll be happy to create some reading comprehension exercises based on short summaries of different aspects of this article. Could you please resume my contract so that I could start working? Thanks!


That’s great to hear, Elida. Maybe you can create just one sample to make sure we are on the same page? You will get paid for it of course.

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Sure, I’ll let you know when it’s ready. Cheers!

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Hello Torsten, I’m sending you a sample based on the car free cities article. I summarized a part of the article and wrote 3 questions. Let me know what you think. Cheers!


Hello Elida!
I’ve added your questions to the site here:

I like the way you write your texts and questions and look forward to seeing more of them.


Thanks Natalia! I appreciate your feedback. I clicked on the link you sent me and noticed that options A and B for Question 3 are the same. Could you please copy-paste B from my google doc again because that’s the right answer? Thanks!

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Hi @Elida!
Thank you very much for spotting this, I have changed it :roll_eyes:

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Are you sure that the main purpose of the article to ‘advertise businesses in Rotterdam’? I think the correct answer should be ’ To emphasize the benefits of car-free zones.’

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Oh, yes, that was a typo on my part in the answer key. Of course the correct answer is "To emphasize the benefits of car-free zones’. Thanks for noticing, Torsten!

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Hi @Elida, thanks a lot for pointing this out. I’ve corrected it. It’s good to work as a team :wink:.


Hi @bitarooh, I think you can improve your writing skills by reading the following text and trying to write it down again as exactly as possible. می توانید مهارتهای نوشتاری خود را با به خاطر سپردن جملات کامل بهبود بخشید. می توانید با نوشتن جملات در اینجا ، حافظه کوتاه مدت خود را تست کنید.

Car-Free cities in Europa |


Thank you :pray:

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You are welcome, Bitarooh. By the way, what does your name mean?

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Thank you @Torsten.
Bita is meaning unique.:blush:


And what does ‘rooh’ mean :wink: ?

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rooh is my last name .

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Hi Bita, does ‘rooh’ have any meaning? And do you pronounce it? Many thanks.

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Hi Torsten.
‘rooh’ refers to spiritual dimension of everyone.


Hi Bita, that’s very interesting. Thank you very much for sharing this information with us.