Hi, I’ve come across an article that is titled Pundits Discuss the Internet’s Future. My question is how popular is the word pundit? I understand that the average native speaker will know the word but when and how would they use it?
Thanks for your thoughts.
Pundit tends to limit itself in the UK to its association with politics. Political pundits are having a field day at the moment because the present Labout Government is going through a series of crises and a pundit pops up and spouts views and opinions every five minutes.
I also usually associate the word ‘pundit’ primarily with politics and political opinion and all the bla-bla-bla from a bunch of ‘talking heads’. :lol:
I’ve got a pet peeve related to this word: a lot of the ‘talking heads’ (including reporters) insist on saying “pundent” instead of “pundit”. That drives me crazy.